Florists in York
6 Clifford Street
North Yorkshire
Wards the Florist is a family partnership, which was started in 1903.
The Managing Partner of Wards the Florist is David Bough and he is the fourth generation of the family running the business.
Wards the Florist was one of the founder members of Interflora in the UK.
In September 1999 Wards the Florist became the first retail florist in York and North Yorkshire to achieve Investors in People accreditation, the award for commitment to putting the training and development of staff at the top of the priority list.
This confirmed our commitment to the continual training and development of every member of our staff and identified that each member of our staff was committed to the future success of our company
We offer every service that you would expect from a high class florist however we pride ourselves on doing it better. We offer a local, national and worldwide delivery service for quality flowers. For a professional service call us today.
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